Zachary Zane
Hi there! My name is Zachary Zane, but you can also call me The Boyslut. I’m a Brooklyn-based columnist, author, and sex expert whose work focuses on sexuality, lifestyle, and culture. I’m ecstatic to share that my book Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto is out now! Through the lens of my bisexuality and self-described sluttiness, I break down exactly how sexual shame negatively impacts our lives, and how we can unlearn the harmful, entrenched messages that society imparts to us. Order it below!
I also am the founder and editor-in-chief of Boyslut Zine, which publishes real sex stories from kinksters worldwide. (Heads up: It gets really raunchy.)
I write “Sexplain It,” the weekly sex and relationship advice column at Men’s Health as well as “Navigating Non-Monogamy,” the monthly relationship column at Cosmopolitan. My work has also been published in the New York Times, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, Cosmo, GQ, OUT, and many others.

“Zachary Zane is one of the best sex writers working today. He has a unique ability to balance humor with a deep appreciation for the vulnerability and humanity of his subjects. And reading about Zane's own sexual adventures is like getting invited to Sunday brunch by your wittiest, sluttiest, funniest friend and getting to listen to him recount his crazy weekend.”
— Dan Savage, sex columnist and New York Times bestselling author
“There is no one more qualified to write about the spectrum of sexuality than Zachary Zane. He beautifully and sexily writes about his lived experiences in a way that truly opens the door for a better understanding of masculinity and sexuality for everyone. I love Zach's writing and feel immersed in every story!”
— Gaby Dunn, podcaster and New York Times bestselling author
“Zach is a FABULOUS queer writer and thinker who’s doing the Lord’s work by promoting bi-visibility, teaching the children about polyamory, and helping the LGBTQ community—and really, all men and women—learn how to become their best authentic selves.”
— Billy Porter, Actor and Singer
“Having worked with hundreds, if not thousands, of journalists on the topic of sex, I can honestly say that Zachary stands out from the pack. In working with him, it’s clear he’s not a sex writer, he’s a first-rate writer who takes sex seriously. His writing is always energetic, clear, witty and scientifically accurate. Having seen how Zach can elevate a guide on sex positions, I can’t wait to read his memoir.”
- Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex expert and New York Times bestselling author

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RT @senorborge: Hi! For @StyleCaster, I'm now accepting pitches for SEO-driven evergreen lifestyle stories (dating, sexual health &… https://t.co/EYWBmq0SnX
RT @ortile: calling all newlyweds!💍 i'm writing a new etiquette column at @CNTraveler re: destination weddings & i want to hear… https://t.co/pqyTQmyTRl
RT @zackknoll_: To be part of such a vital and moving project is an honor...books like @Nico_Lang's are why I love my job. I can't… https://t.co/dLPW8YufkV